Above: Members of the Chapter attended the 2023 AGM in person
ASIS International (ASIS) is the leading organization for security professionals worldwide. Founded in 1955, ASIS is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and productivity of security professionals by developing educational programs and materials that address broad security interests, such as ASIS GSX, as well as specific security topics. ASIS also advocates the role and value of the security management profession to business, the media, government entities, and the public.
By providing members and the security community with access to a full range of programs and services, and by publishing the industry’s No. 1 magazine—Security Management—ASIS leads the way for advanced and improved security performance.
The Jamaican Chapter emerged as a spin-off from the West Indian Chapter on January 15, 1975 and received it’s Charter in January 1980. Many distinguished security professionals have provided able leadership over the years and are listed below.
Our membership comprises Security Professionals from many of the Island’s top companies and organisations as well as sole practitioners. They formulate and implement security and safety policies and programmes for their organisations. They develop and implement security systems to reduce their employers’ loss from internal and external threats and from natural and man-made events.

To promote excellence and leadership in the security management profession.

Chris Wilson | 1975-1978 |
Charles Young | 1978-1980 |
Orville Day | 1981 |
Wesley Walcott | 1982 |
Frank Duncanson | 1983-1988 |
Donald Williams CPP | 1989 |
D. Ricardo Buchanan | 1990-1993 |
Dudley Dobson | 1994 |
John Moss | 1994 |
Christopher Naylor | 1995 |
Donovan Hutchinson | 1996-1997 |
Richard O. Black CFE, CPO | 1998-2000 |
Andrew A.Wynter CPP, PSP | 2001-2004 |
Capt. Basil A. Bewry CPP, PCI, PSP | 2005-2008 |
Capt. John B. Richards CPP, PCI, PSP | 2009-2010 |
Andrew A. Wynter CPP, PSP | 2011 |
Capt. Basil A. Bewry CPP, PCI, PSP | 2012-2019 |
Warren L. Smith CPP, PCI, PSP | 2020 |
Capt. Garth Gray, CPP, PCI, PSP | 2021 |
Carlos Pipher, CPP, PCI, PSP | 2022 |
Nichelle Duncan, CPP, PCI, PSP | 2023 |