ASIS Jamaica Chapter Annual General Meeting

Terra Nova, 17 Waterloo Rd

In accordance with the By-Laws of ASIS International, the chapter offices of
Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary will be up for election with the
results being announced at the AGM. Members wishing to participate in
the election either as a candidate, nominee, seconder or voter are required to be
in good standing with ASIS International. Nominations (to include a proposer and
a seconder) for the various elected chapter officers are to be submitted to the
Nomination Committee from October 4 to 31, 2023.
The nominations of members for the chapter offices must be willing to serve if
elected, be available to attend chapter meetings and prepared to commit a
responsible amount of time to the office for which they are nominated. Where
more than one nomination is received for any of the elected officer, then an
election will be held via electronic voting from 9.00am on Saturday, November 4
to 3.00pm on Wednesday, November 15, 2023.

AGM Agenda

ASIS AGM Minutes – November 16, 2022