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Legal Matters
This page contains a collection of Acts and Bills that are either in the news or are generally relevant to the profession of Industrial Security. It also contains other legal matters like judicial rulings and authoritative papers which security practitioners may find informative. Click here to view the Laws of Jamaica hosted by the ministry of Justice. Contact asisjachapter@gmail.com if you would like to recommend additional material for this page.

This claim, for unpaid employer’s contributions, is brought pursuant to the National Housing Trust Act (hereinafter called “the Act”). Under the Act an employer is obliged to deduct its employee’s contribution, from that employee’s salary, and pay it over to the National Housing Trust, see section 12(1) of the Act. An employer is also obliged to pay to the National Housing Trust an employer’s contribution (hereinafter called the “employer’s contribution” in respect of each person employed by him, see section 11 of the Act and the schedule to regulation 2 of the National Housing Trust (Contributions) Regulations, 1979
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Morant Bay Courthouse
"The Morant Bay Courthouse, which was destroyed by fire on Monday, February 19, 2007, is an importmant part of St. Thomas' history. It was the scene of the Morant Bay Rebellion of 1865." The riot began as a protest by local citizens against poor economic and social conditions in the country. On October 11, 1865, two large organised bands of people, who were mainly cultivators, marched into Morant Bay, armed with sticks and cutlasses. The local militia and police were drawn up in front of the building and the Custos addressed the crowd from the portico. This, however, was to no avail and on the mob's advance the militia opened fire. In the ensuing violent confrontation the courthouse was burnt and the Custos, Baron Von Ketelholdt, along with several other militia men were killed. This was followed by a period of hectic activity on the part of the authorities of the island. Governor Eyre declared Martial law. Paul Bogle, leader of the rebellion, was hanged. George William Gordon, a politician and member of the House was removed to Morant Bay, court marshalled, and executed for his alleged involvement with Bogle. "All that remains of this historic site are the brick walls of the structure. Edna Manley's statue of National Hero Paul Bogle, which stands in front of the courthouse was not destroyed." The Courthouse was the venue for the St. Thomas Parish Council meetings and the sitting of the Circuit Court in St. Thomas